1-Click Data Migration Software
Switching CRM or Helpdesk software?
Import2 is the answer to swiftly and accurately move all legacy data to your new app. No CSV files, no technical know-how, and lightning fast results.
Benefits of 1-Click Data Migration
  • No CSV
    Ditch the old way of importing data with CSV. Just click and connect your apps and we move the data directly using API.
  • Retain All Legacy Data
    We move every object possible with your app - even down the the files attached to your records.
  • Built for Non-technical Users
    We don't expect you to be a data migration expert - that's what we do. Our process is designed for anybody to be able to use with ease.
  • Easy Support
    If you need help along the way, we have documented every detail you need to get the migration done successfully. Still need help? You can chat with us anytime.
  • Lightning Fast Speed
    The sample import moves data into your new software in as little as 15 minutes. Full migrations can be done in as little as a few hours- even the same day! - so you can get back to your usual work without skipping a beat.
  • Money-back Guarantee
    You can count on Import2 quality and reliability. Don't like the migration results for any reason? Will refund your fee and clean all migrated records. No questions asked.

What Does a
1-Click Migration Look Like?
What's Included in a
1-Click Data Migration
  • Custom Field Mappings
    Control what data is imported, and map data stored in your custom fields.
  • Matching
    Avoid migrating duplicates, and match incoming records to your existing data.
  • Schedule the Migration Time
    Select the time and date for your migration. We support all timezones, and even weekend migrations, to minimize the impact on your business.
  • Turn on/off Imported Objects
    Choose what type of records are imported, and exclude those you don't want to keep.
We support the apps you use
Browse all the apps we support for your data migration.
Migrate data to Act!
Migrate data to Active Campaign
Migrate data to Agile CRM
Migrate data to Capsule
Migrate data to Close CRM
Migrate data to Copper CRM
Migrate data to Fogbugz
Migrate data to Freshdesk
Migrate data to Fusedesk
Migrate data to Gmail
Migrate data to Groove
Migrate data to Happyfox
Migrate data to HelpScout
Migrate data to HelpSpot
Migrate data to Highrise
Migrate data to HubSpot CRM
Migrate data to HubSpot Service Hub
Migrate data to Insightly
Migrate data to Intercom
Migrate data to JIRA
Migrate data to Kayako
Migrate data to Keap
Migrate data to Kustomer
Migrate data to LiveChat
Migrate data to Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Migrate data to Nimble CRM
Migrate data to OnePage CRM
Migrate data to Nutshell
Migrate data to Pipedrive CRM
Migrate data to PipelineDeals
Migrate data to Reamaze
Migrate data to Redtail
Migrate data to Request Tracker
Migrate data to Salesforce CRM
Migrate data to Salesforce Service Cloud
Migrate data to Samanage
Migrate data to Streak CRM
Migrate data to Sugar CRM
Migrate data to Suite CRM
Migrate data to Team Support
Migrate data to Teamwork CRM
Migrate data to Trello
Migrate data to Uservoice
Migrate data to Wealthbox CRM
Migrate data to Zendesk
Migrate data to Zendesk Sell
Migrate data to Zoho CRM
Data Handling and Security
Import2 is committed to providing robust security and privacy for our customers' data. Your information is protected using SSL certificates, temporary machines, and trustworthy third-party cloud service providers.

During your data migration, your data is never stored on our servers. Everything is processed in real-time and on a temporary machine, which is deleted after your migration is complete. When we connect to your apps, we use OAuth whenever possible, instead of plain passwords. Your credentials are always securely encrypted during the migration, and deleted when the migration is complete.

For more information, please see our data handling and security page.